Ottawa Cohousing will be seeking Project Managers/Construction Managers interested in creating viable, creative and successful cohousing communites within the Metropolitan Ottawa region.
We match cohesive groups to development sites and a construction/project manager to take on the work of constructing the cohousing development and to coordinate construction and bridge financing. Ottawa Cohousing will assist with the assembly of a consultant team and get the ball rolling.
We are the liaison between the Consultants, the Construction Manager and the Cohousing Client group.
TIMING: The group work is done in tandem with the site assessments and design work. So that by the time the group is finished with their working modules, they have a project manager/construction manager lined up and ideally have a site confirmed.
Rosaline J. Hill Architecture Inc. will be hired as the leading development consultant and architect. RJH will design, draft and 3D model; oversee necessary City approvals; submit required applications and permits; and prepare construction drawings
and specifications.

At the end of the design phase, purchase agreements and lease agreements will be signed. A deposit will be required from purchasers (first and last
months rent from tenants).
Once the approvals are finalized (approximately 1 year) typically 70% sales are required to begin construction. Units and membership will be presold, as with any condo development. New residents/households will be welcomed into the group if they are a good fit.